
About the unidirectionality of interference: Insight from the musical Stroop effect
Un psychologue dans l’organisation d’une simulation de masse.
Metacognitive Judgments-of-Learning in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
COSTaM: Tool design for a controlled tactile stimulation
Education thérapeutique et asthme
Local and global processing in blind and sighted children in a naming and drawing task
Effort Test Performance in Clinical Acute Brain Injury, Community Brain Injury, and Epilepsy Populations
Autobiographical Memory, Past and Future Events and Self-images in Younger and Older Adults
Metacognitive Judgments-of-Learning in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Autobiographical Memory, Past and Future Events and Self-images in Younger and Older Adults
Rôle du contrôle exécutif dans le raisonnement par analogie chez l’enfant et le primate non humain
Don’t miss your train! Just follow the computer screen animation: Comprehension processes of animated public information graphics