
Sensorimotor development in cerebral-palsied infants assessed with the Uzgiris-Hunt scales
Development of the start-rotation principle in circle production
The role of manual dominance and visual feedback in circular drawing movements
The effect of voluntary breathing on reaction-time
Association between conscious knowledge and performance in normal subjects: Reply to Cohen and Curran (1993) and Willigham, Greeley, and Bardone (1993)
Abstraction of covariation in category learning: A critical note on K. Richardson’s studies
Thinking in sound. The cognitive psychology of human audition
Communiquer sur des arrangements spatiaux familiers et inhabituels : la dépense linguistique économise le coût cognitif
Le traitement des verbes d’action et mentaux dans les phrases avec proposition relative : réversibilité et complexité syntaxique
A model based on reaction-diffusion equations for the growth of filamentous fungi on solid substrate
Lo sviluppo sensomotorio del lattante
La capacité d’imitation précoce chez le nourrisson