Article de Journal

The specific-word frequency effect in speech production: Evidence from Spanish and French
Written spelling to dictation: Sound-to-spelling regularity affects both writing latencies and durations
Objective age-of-acquisition (AoA) norms for a set of 230 object names in French: Relationships with psycholinguistic variables, the English data from Morrison et al. (1997), and naming latencies
Psycholinguistic norms and face naming times for photographs of celebrities in French
Normes pour des clips d’actions
Age-of-acquisition effects in picture naming: Are they structural and/or semantic in nature?
Normes de concrétude, de valeur d’imagerie, de fréquence subjective et de valence émotionnelle pour 866 mots
The effects of age of acquisition and frequency trajectory on object naming: Comments on Pérez (2007)
Do phonological codes constrain the selection of orthographic codes in written picture naming?
A new set of 299 pictures for psycholinguistic studies: French norms for name agreement, image agreement, conceptual familiarity, visual complexity, image variability, age of acquisition, and naming latencies
An experimental study of lexical access in the writing and naming of isolated words
Masked form priming in writing words from pictures: Evidence for direct retrieval of orthographic codes