Article de Journal

Auditory training improves auditory performance in cochlear implanted children
Discrimination of tonal and atonal music in congenital amusia: The advantage of implicit tasks
The coeruleus/subcoeruleus complex in idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder
Heterozygous deletion of the LRFN2 gene is associated with working memory deficits.
Congruency sequence effects and previous response times: Conflict adaptation or temporal learning?
Feature integration and task switching: Diminished switch costs after controlling for stimulus, response, and cue repetitions
The Parallel Episodic Processing (PEP) Model 2.0: A single computational model of stimulus-response binding, contingency learning, power curves, and mixing costs.
Contingency learning tracks with stimulus-response proportion: No evidence of misprediction costs
Time course of colour-word contingency learning: Practice curves, pre-exposure benefits, unlearning, and relearning
Proportion congruency and practice: A contingency learning account of asymmetric list shifting effects
Temporal learning and rhythmic responding: No reduction in the proportion easy effect with variable response-stimulus intervals
Context-specific proportion congruency effects: An episodic learning account and computational model