Article de Journal

Three-dimensional reconstructions of human embryos: Morphogenesis and hepatic vascularization.
Do typically and atypically developing children learn and generalize novel names similarly: The role of conceptual distance during learning and at test
Food as a borderline domain of knowledge: The development of domain-specific inductive reasoning strategies in young children.
How language and inhibition influence analogical reasoning in children with or without developmental language disorder?
A time for a meal? Children’s conceptions of short-term and long-term effects of foods
Modifying auditory perception with prisms? Aftereffects of prism adaptation on a wide auditory spectrum in musicians and nonmusicians
Persistence of mental fatigue on motor control
Semantic congruence in arithmetic: A new conceptual model for word problem solving.
Mental fatigue induced by prolonged motor imagery increases perception of effort and the activity of motor areas
IMABASE: A new set of 313 colourised line drawings standardised in French for name agreement, image agreement, conceptual familiarity, age-of-acquisition, and imageability
When data transformations are appropriate or even necessary: A response to Cohen-Shikora, Suh, and Bugg (2019)
A Developmental Perspective on Young Children’s Understandings of Paired Graphics Conventions From an Analogy Task