
Wearing prisms to hear differently: After-effects of prism adaptation on auditory perception
Cue competition and incidental learning: No blocking or overshadowing in the colour-word contingency learning procedure without instructions to learn
Erratum: Correction to Schmidt and De Houwer (2012)
Measuring adaptive control in conflict tasks
Towards a better understanding of emotion blends: The case of anger-related emotion blends elicited via film clips
Tactile aesthetics: Textures that we like or hate to touch
« Apprendre à apprendre » : quels enjeux pour les apprenants et les enseignants ?
Does pre-testing promote better retention than post-testing?
Trustworthiness and Dominance Personality Traits’ Judgments in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Does a non-practiced cognitive automatism withstand the test of time?
Stroop interference depends also on the level of automaticity of the to-be-interfered process
Implicit processing of pitch in postlingually deafened dochlear implant users