
Development of auditory cognition in 5- to 10-year-old children: Focus on musical and verbal short-term memory
Understanding the What and When of analogical reasoning across analogy formats: An eye-tracking and machine learning approach
Tonal structures benefit short-term memory for real music: Evidence from non-musicians and individuals with congenital amusia
Enhanced mismatch negativity in harmonic compared with inharmonic sounds
Auditory and visual short‑term memory: Influence of material type,contour, and musical expertise
Distance perception of objects using visual-to-auditory sensory substitution: Comparison of conversion methods based on sound intensity and envelope modulation
Pausing and breathing while reading aloud: Development from 2nd to 7th grade in French speaking children
Automatic assessment of oral readings of young pupils
Narrativité de la musique mixte : une topo-analyse d’Adavaya de Jonathan Harvey
Spectralism and the Researches in Psychoacoustics and Music Perception
Apprentissage incident des associations simples de stimulus-réponse : revue de la recherche avec la tâche d’apprentissage de contingences couleur-mot
When data transformations are appropriate or even necessary: A response to Cohen-Shikora, Suh, and Bugg (2019)