
Concreteness norms for 1,659 French words: Relationships with other psycholinguistic variables and word recognition times
Mixed camera viewpoints improve learning medical hand procedure from video in nurse training?
Driver’s emotional state and detection of vulnerable road users: towards a better understanding of how emotions affect drivers’ perception using cardiac and ocular metrics.
The severity of the visual impairment and practice matter for drawing in children
Early perception of phrasal prosody and its role in syntactic and lexical acquisition
Alterations of EEG rhythms during motor preparation following awake brain surgery
Does practice in category learning increase rule use or exemplar use—or both?
Generalization of novel names for relations in comparison settings: The role of conceptual distance during learning and at test
Perceptual Processing and the Comprehension of Relational Information in Dynamic Diagrams
Best not to bet on the horserace: A comment on Forrin and MacLeod (2017) and a relevant stimulus-response compatibility view of colour-word contingency learning asymmetries
Category learning in the color-word contingency learning paradigm
Interference in Dutch-French bilinguals: Stimulus and response conflict in intra- and interlingual Stroop