
Beyond transitional probability computations: Extracting word-like units when only statistical information is available
Computational modeling in cognitive science: A manifesto for change
Impact of physical activity on executive functions in aging: A selective effect on inhibition among old adults
Is consciousness a passive recipient of the end-product of sophisticated unconscious computations?
Dissociation mémoire de travail – vitesse de traitement chez les enfants intellectuellement précoces au travers de deux études de cas
Metamemory and Prospective Memory in Parkinson’s disease
Frontal and posterior cingulated metabolic impairment in frontemporal dementia with impaired autonoetic consciousness
Are Feeling-of-Knowing and Judgment-of-Learning different? Evidence from older adults
Deja Experiences in temporal epilepsy
Fiche experimentarium “La musique pour apaiser la douleur”
Computational evidence that frequency trajectory theory does not oppose but emerges from age-of-acquisition theory
Moving Beyond the Turing Test