All of us have learned much about language, music, physical or social environment, and other complex domains, out of any intentional attempts to acquire information. This chapter describes first how studies investigating this form of learning in laboratory situations have shifted from a rule-based interpretation to interpretations assuming a progressive tuning to the statistical regularities of the environment. The next section examines the potential of statistical learning, and whether statistical learning stems from statistical computations or chunk formation. Then the acceptations in which this form of learning may be qualified as implicit are analysed. Finally, implications for the nativist/ empiricist debate are discussed.
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Année de publication : 2008
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Section de livre
Section de livre
Auteurs :
Perruchet, P.
Perruchet, P.
Titre du livre :
Cognitive psychology of memory. Vol.2 of Learning and memory: A comprehensive reference (J. Byrne, Ed.)
Cognitive psychology of memory. Vol.2 of Learning and memory: A comprehensive reference (J. Byrne, Ed.)
Titre du chapitre :
Implicit learning
Implicit learning
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