
Comment accède-t-on à un mot en production verbale écrite ?
What animated illustrations conditions can improve technical document comprehension in young students? Format, signaling and control of the presentation
Évaluation sur simulateur Simman® de la prise en charge d’un choc anaphylactique peropératoire par les internes DES d’anesthésie–réanimation
Smart camera design for intensive embedded computing
Automatic hardware implementation tool for a discrete Adaboost-based decision algorithm
Development of a fast panoramic face mosaicking and recognition system
Apprendre la musique : Perspectives sur l’apprentissage implicite de la musique et ses implications pédagogiques
The time course of emotional responses to music
Children’s implicit learning of graphotactic and morphological regularities
Statistical approaches to language acquisition and the self-organizing consciousness: A reversal of perspective
L’erreur dans l’acquisition de l’orthographe
Does the mastery of center-embedded linguistic structures distinguish humans from nonhuman primates?