
A prototype analysis of the French category “emotion”
French normative data and naming times for action pictures
L’apprentissage de concepts chez l’enfant : facteurs cognitifs, structure des catégories et théories naïves
The role of bottom-up processing in perceptual categorization by 3-to 4-month-old infants: Simulations and data
Understanding bilingual memory: Models and data
All cases of word production are not created equal: Reply to Costa and Santesteban
Self-refreshing memory in artificial neural networks: Learning temporal sequences without catastrophic forgetting
ADAPT: A developmental, asemantic, and procedural model for transcoding from verbal to arabic numerals
Qu’apportent à la pédagogie les travaux de laboratoire sur l’apprentissage implicite ?
The exploitation of distributional information in syllable processing
Learning nonadjacent dependencies: No need for algebraic-like computations
Distributional properties of language and sub-syllabic processing units