
The law of recency: An episodic stimulus-response retrieval account of habit acquisition
Learning habits: Does overtraining lead to resistance to new learning?
Identification of textured tactile pictures in visually impaired and blindfolded sighted children
An episodic model of task switching effects: Erasing the homunculus from memory
Erasing the homunculus as an ongoing mission: A reply to the commentaries
IMABASE: A new set of 313 colourised line drawings standardised in French for name agreement, image agreement, conceptual familiarity, age-of-acquisition, and imageability
A Developmental Perspective on Young Children’s Understandings of Paired Graphics Conventions From an Analogy Task
Event Unit Analysis: A Methodology for Anticipating Processing Demands of Complex Animated Diagrams
‘Tokenized’ Dynamic Diagrams: An Approach for Improving Mental Model Construction?
Continuous versus discontinuous camera viewpoint editing in learning from video in nurse training
Improving animations: Compositional anti-cueing makes conventional designs more effective
Investigating fundamental features of complexity in animation processing