Three notes for a brain. November 9-10, 2022. Athénéum Dijon Campus

Three notes for a brain

Wednesday, November 9 at 8:00 p.m.
Thursday 10 November at 2.30 p.m. and 8 p.m.


Info, reservations:


3 notes for a brain is a conference-show that offers us to understand the effects of music on our brain.
Music rocks us since our childhood, but how does it affect us?
How does it accompany our lives?
Making or listening to music allows us to better grow and evaluate. It helps us to overcome the ills of existence, it increases the plasticity of our brain...
Here are some of the lessons learned from the research of neuroscientists Emmanuel Bigand and Barbara Tillmann, which inspired Pauline Hercule and Pierre Germain to create this show.


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