
Learning eco-driving behaviour in a driving simulator: contribution of instructional videos and interactive guidance system
Context-specific proportion congruent effects: Compound-cue contingency learning in disguise
Forme versus texture de stimuli tactiles élémentaires: quelle dimension est privilégiée par l’enfant aveugle ou voyant?
Evidence against conflict monitoring and adaptation: An updated review
The impact of image characteristics on written naming in adults
Contamination is “good” for your memory! Further evidence for the adaptive view of memory
Vers une analyse texturale fondée sur les principes de l’analyse de scène auditive
Validation of the Intention Attribution Test for Children (IAC)
Wearing prisms to hear differently: After-effects of prism adaptation on auditory perception
Cue competition and incidental learning: No blocking or overshadowing in the colour-word contingency learning procedure without instructions to learn
Les compétences visuelles précoces, déficiences visuelles et suppléances
Erratum: Correction to Schmidt and De Houwer (2012)